Is It Time To Winterize Your Dry Sprinkler System?

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It’s that time of the year again – the Autumn season is upon us, with winter right around the corner. Your friends at the fire alarm division here at Guardian Security want to remind businesses throughout Washington State of the dry fire sprinkler maintenance that is required by your local AHJ (authorities having jurisdiction) and how you can easily schedule routine inspections and maintenance to keep your building safe, and stay in compliance of local ordinances.
Does This Apply To My Property?
If you have a dry sprinkler system at one or more of your properties, then you may have already received a letter to remind you about the required winterization of your sprinkler system. If so, please contact us today to schedule an appointment.
Why Is Winterization Important?
Under normal operations, water vapor builds up inside the sprinkler piping throughout the year and this water vapor condenses and collects on the walls of the pipes. The system’s piping is designed to drain water to various low drain points through the building. The water collects at these low points in the system and will freeze if the temperature drops below 0°C or 32° F.
When water freezes, it can expand with enough force to split sprinkler pipes.
According to NFPA 25* Auxiliary drains in dry pipe sprinkler systems shall be drained after each operation of the system, before the onset of freezing weather conditions, and thereafter as needed.
What Guardian Security Will Do
The inspections team at Guardian Security will test and drain your dry sprinkler system. However, the winterization requirement that we’re referencing here is a completely separate procedure that is in addition to your annual inspection.
Contact Us Today
To schedule your winterization please contact our inspection department at 206-622-6545 ext. 1081 or email
Please keep in mind that winterization is a preventative service, not a guarantee against possible damage to pipes due to frozen or condensed water in the system that may remain even after winterization service is performed.
About Guardian Security
Serving Washington State for Over 40 Years, Guardian Security is the first choice for security in the Pacific Northwest for public buildings, office buildings, warehouses, homes, schools, hotels and hospitals. Our customers have included local and national names that you know and trust.