Setting Standards for Active Shooter Response

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Spontaneous, hostile events in our communities have led to times of insecurity and turmoil. Now more than ever, institutions need established protocols in place for active shooter situations. If an organization is deficient in response protocol, lives will be in jeopardy when an emergency occurs. Having a cohesive set of protocols can reduce risks when seconds count.
For organizations that are concerned about preparedness for hostile events in the community, one potential solution is participating in an Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response (ASHER) program. This year, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA®) introduced its own ASHER training solution called NFPA 3000™.
About NFPA 3000
NFPA 3000 is a provisional standard developed by a consortium of experts. In developing this ASHER program, NFPA worked alongside of first responders, emergency management, higher education and facility management.
Additionally, more than a dozen public agencies were involved: the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Homeland Security, International Association of Chiefs of Police, and International Association of Fire Chiefs among them.
What the Training Does
The purpose of ASHER training is to establish a set of standards related to the preparedness, response and recovery in a hostile event.
Accessing the Program
The NFPA 3000 training series is available with an online subscription, making it easy to access from anywhere. Households, school districts, public agencies and private businesses can choose the training level that is the best fit for the organization.
Supplemental materials are also available: a downloadable checklist, a readiness assessment document, and a fact sheet. All of these materials are designed to assist subscribers in establishing proactive, effective response protocols in active shooter and hostile event scenarios.
To learn more about NFPA 3000, visit
About Guardian Security
Guardian Security is the first choice for home security in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest. We service public buildings, office buildings, warehouses, homes, schools, hotels and hospitals. Our customers have included local and national names that you know and trust.
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