Construction Restart and What it Means for Your Business

Many construction projects ground to a halt once COVID-19-related concerns gained momentum.
In an ideal situation, the project would continue right where you left off, but reality paints a different picture. Restarting a construction project after a complete stop takes significant energy and time. Consider the pros and cons as we discuss the different phases of construction restart and Washington State’s requirements.
Phase 1 of Construction Restart
Phase 1 of construction restart only allows work on construction projects already existing. Once construction resumes, workers must follow social distancing requirements maintaining a six-foot distance from other people onsite. Beginning work again requires compliance with Phase 1 Jobsite Safety guidelines. Any activities that require construction workers to perform tasks less than six feet apart are not allowed. Phase 2 will allow these activities eventually.
Phase 2 of Construction Restart
When phase 2 goes into effect, all construction, including all the tasks that require workers to finish tasks less than six feet apart, can be resumed. Phase 2 also incorporates new construction projects. For more information on the counties already in Phase 2 of the contruction restart refer to Washington States COVID-19 Risk Assessment Dashboard.
Phase 1 requirements require the development of a Jobsite Safety Plan signed by the contractor. You should be able to present this document at any employee or regulator’s request. Filling out and signing off on additional paperwork is required. You can download the forms at the Building Industry Association of Washington website.
The project may be stopped if there is a failure to comply with any of Phase 1 and 2 requirements for construction restart. Additionally, non-compliance can result in safety fines, loss of license, legal liability, or your work site can be shut down.
For more information on how restarting construction projects affects your business, refer to the Building Industry Association of Washington website.
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