7 Back-to-School Problems Smart Home Technology Users Don’t Have

Every parent wants to pave the way to academic success for their children in every aspect of their lives. The first element of this is taking the chaos out of managing routines. Today, parents are using home automation to help them manage daily routines, and ease their worry about the safety and wellbeing of their children after school.
With life getting increasingly busy and more mobile, using smart home technologies to simplify daily routines just makes sense. Here are some ways you can use your home security and home automation systems to make the daily school routine a breeze.
Most people know the chaos of trying to manage all of the things that come with the school year, such as getting everyone up and ready, making sure homework is done, getting everyone out the door on time and keeping everyone on task and out of trouble until you get home. Today, savvy parents are using security and smart home technologies to take the pain out of the process.
Smart home technologies help simplify life in ways we never could have imagined, and now we wonder how we ever lived without them. Here are 7 Problems smart home technologies users don’t have with back-to-school.
Kids That Won’t Get Up
If you spend all morning just trying to get your student out of bed, smart technology users may not understand your woes. With smart technologies, users simply schedule lights on, blinds open and music on for an easy wake-up call.
Forgetting To Turn Off the Coffee Pot
Smart home technology users never have to go all day wondering if they turned off the coffee pot. They simply turn off enabled devices remotely.
Having to Turn Around to Check the Locks
We all forget to lock the door sometimes. When that happens to smart home technology users, they do not have to turn around and make a mad dash home because they just log in and lock the door from their smartphones.
Teens Getting in Off Limits Areas
Smart home technology users never have to worry about their kids or visiting friends getting into sensitive areas. By using access control devices you can prevent access or and be alerted if anyone tries.
Not Knowing if They Made it Home
By using unique access codes, parents know when each of their children made it home, and when.
Having Friends Over Without Permission
When kids get home before parents, they may be tempted to fill the time having friends over to play the latest Xbox games. Real time alerts on when doors or windows open keep parent informed.
Wondering What is Going On
If you are going crazy wondering if the kids are safe while you are away, the smart home system user may not completely understand your concern. They’d probably wonder why you don’t just tap into the real time video and take a peek.
Home security and automation technologies can be used leveraged in your daily life in many incredibly useful ways, including improving school routines. If you want to streamline your back-to-school routine, give us a call today.
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